Sunday, November 14, 2010


To start this project off, we met up to further talk about information for this project. He was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota by both of his working parents. In getting to know Andrew, one of the first things I noticed is he is opinionated. Sometimes over bearing but it only helps to get his point across. He has some complicated view points, which make things need explanations. The first question I asked him was, what did you think about the movie? He said, “I thought it was a pretty disgusting movie, the way that they were treating the union workers and that needed to change.”

Then I asked him if he would ever join a union? He said if he ever went into a trade with a specialized skill or if health conditions of a work place were unacceptable then unionizing should happen, however if you are working in a place that you need no discernable skill and there is nothing disturbing your health a union should not happen. This is one thing I agree with Andrew on, I believe that if there are no concerns to your health you would not need a union, but if there are then you need to do something about it and get other employees to stand together to fight this, then yes I would join a union as well.

Another question I asked him was who should control the union? He believes the federal government should control the head of the union because they would have the ability to gather together people that are experts in the field of unionization where anyone person, he doesn’t believe could do the job right. From his response to this question I both agree but disagree. I think I would go to someone with more knowledge and with a higher power, but not necessarily the government. I don’t think the government should have control over work groups, because they already control enough as is.

Then I asked him, why do you have so much faith in the government? He does believe in the government. Andrew said “I know I live in my own little world, where I like to think that the United States Government is a right and justice unit.” To this I would disagree, I live in an opposite world where I don’t always agree with the government and politics. I try not getting to involved with these kinds of things just for the simple fact I’m not that interested in it. I do have my own opinions and beliefs just like everyone else but sometimes I feel like even though you care and have an opinion doesn’t mean you are right or wrong.

Getting to know him a little more I asked if he was a Republican or Democrat. He said “I’m neither; I don’t affiliate with any party, I go with a candidate whom I agree with.”

We seem to both agree and disagree.


  1. Jessica,

    Your blog post about Andrew was right on point! When I wrote my blog post, I felt a lot like I talked more about my partner's background instead of her opinions. It might be because me and my partner were a 3 and a 4. What were you and Andrew's scores? Your blog post shows that you asked questions and Andrew answered them the best he could. It's very clear and organized. Nice job on this!

    I understand what you mean about people having complicated opinions. It's great that you didn't just blow it off and asked for further explanations when needed. I know that's how I get sometimes when people talk about their opinions. It gets so frustrating, especially when you can't seem to agree with people!

    I also like the questions you asked Andrew. They were so different and flowed with each other. Like when you asked if he would ever join a union, and then you asked who should be in charge of the union. You probably didn't go into this interview knowing what you would ask, it seems like you probably made up questions as you went. Good idea!

    Before reading your blog post, I thought there was nothing wrong with unions- after all, they are there to secure worker rights and benefits! After reading your blog post, I understand what the cons may be to being apart of a union. Thank you for this new perspective!

    I thought it was interesting that Andrew doesn't call himself a Republican or a Democrat and goes with whoever he agrees with. Clever!

    I want to read what Andrew wrote about you!! :-) What blog community is he in?

    Sorry that this is so long, but I'm really getting into this. I like how you let us know if you agreed or disagreed with what Andrew's response to a question was.

    Ashley Carmichael

  2. I like the description you had on meeting with Andrew. It sounded like the meet and greet went really well and its interesting to me to see what types of questions people ask one another for their definition of "getting to know" each other. I would have never thought to ask about his political affiliation such as republican or democrat, but i like that you went there!

  3. Ashley, i thought your blog post was great because you got so much information on her background. It gave me a better view at where she came from and helped give and idea of her opinions. Andrew and my scores were actually kind of close we had a three and six.

    Yea going into this i had no idea what i was even going to ask him, but then we met and started talking about the movie and it kind of went off from there.

    At first, i didnt really know if i would ever join a union either but then i thought about it and figured well if the place i worked at isnt keeping up to safety guidelines and arent meeting demands, well then why would i want to work there and risk my health. This was the big thing i think both andrew and i agreed on!

    Yea i found it interesting as well that andrew neither calls himself republican or democrat, and that he kind of just goes with a candidate that he likes for their views.

    I think he is in blog community 7, if i remember correctly!

    Chelsea, Yea we both didnt really know what to expect going into this. But after just talking for a while, i felt that it might be interesting to ask and see because that may have been a factor for his opinions but it turns out he is neither!
