Sunday, November 14, 2010


I met with my partner Shannon* at the Starbucks in Hanson Hall, we're both in the Carlson so that's something we have in common. It was also a good place to meet because I am currently employed there. We discussed that when we both took the worker quiz there were some questions we had a strong answer to and some of the questions we were mostly indifferent. My score put me on the Against Unions side of the scale while Shannon was on the Pro Union side of the scale.
Shannon has lived in many different suburbs in the metro area, along with a brief time in Wisconsin. Part of that time included living in low income housing. Shannon grew up with a single mom and two half brothers. Her mother was a nurse and spent some time working in a nursing home. She likes to help people and strongly supports helping those out when they are in need. In general Shannon's mother is pretty liberal. Her father on the other hand is more conservative. He is a construction worker and he is against unions. He also comes from a conservative, wealthy family. When it comes to paying for Shannon's education, she receives a sizable amount of grants in relation to her mother's income status and the remaining portion is paid for by her father. Shannon works 40 hours/week over the summer to save up money for living expenses during the school year. She also works one long day every two weeks for more spending money.
Shannon's job history primarily consists of childcare. Shannon has been employed by a day care center as well as many jobs as a nanny and babysitter. She also, like her mother, likes to help people; but for Shannon its especially children. She describes the job as stressful and rewarding; she is taking part in raising that child. Part of her training involves learning how to work with children; praising them, scolding them, there are many dos and don'ts for talking to children. Her favorite child to work with at the day care is her nephew Jaydon. She loves being able to see her nearly two year old nephew while at work. She also enjoys the coworkers that she works with. It is usually only one other girl at a time that she works with. She enjoys working with someone similar to her that is also at the same job level. Her supervisor is rarely at the day care center so there is a lot of flexibility and autonomy in her work.

1 comment:

  1. good post, I would expand on why/how she feels about unions and working. Remember the right side of the paper? generalizations, conclusions, analysis. Describe things like her mother was a nurse and was in support of the nursing strike and she may have inherited that from her mother. but great post, I think this partnership has some potential for an interesting project!
