Of course! I'm not too sure if Mr. Collin might but he has a common viewpoint with this guy. Why? Because most republicans are against union and so is my friend Mr. Collin.
Collin grew up in Madison, Wisconsin. He believes that the reason he believes and has certain viewpoints is because of Madison and the kind of people he grew up with. Since I didn't grow up in Madison I just had to listen and agree with what he said. He stated that the main culture he felt in Madison was that everyone wanted to be free and have more control than the government. The people there didn't want a huge government making decisions for them. I then began asking about the careers of his parents. Here is what he said, and I think this is what actually influenced him more than Madison.
Collin's dad was a hard working man. He worked at a few jobs and kept moving around United States until they he got settled in Wisconsin with his wife and that is where they raised Collin. His dad first worked as a reporter, then he had some other job which I didn't grab the name of, then his dad became a Republican Congressman, and sometime he also tried opening a magazine business. Overall his dad was a very diverse guy who tried many things. I think because his dad was a Republican congressman, that he was influenced by that the most. Also, his mom was a stay home mom and probably spent a lot of time with Collin when he was growing up. Since her husband was a republican I'm sure she supported him and taught Collin her beliefs. Parents have a big influence on what we grow up to believe.
Colin does not currently work and lives on campus. He did work back when he was in Madison, at Rockyroco Pizza and George Vitense Golf. Neither one of those jobs had a union and Collin said he was really satisfied with his hours and job environment. Since he only worked part time and was still in High School he didn't really get into the health benefits.

Right before we got together, Collin said he also did a little bit of overview on Unions and read a statement somewhere that they were bad for the economy.
All of these things put together help shape Collins viewpoints. I agreed with Collin on most points except about unions. He things that Unions are bad and should not exist while I don't think unions are bad and could exist. I will try to change Collins viewpoint by explaining to him the benefits of having unions. I don't think they are extremely necessary and are over the roof the best thing, but I think they would be nice to have.
I found this really interesting as I am also from Madison and was definitely influenced by the super liberal atmosphere I grew up in. It must have been interesting growing up with a republican governmental father figure in a place like Madison. I personally felt like I was almost taught to be a Democrat in grade school which really isn't much better than teaching kids to be Republican. I agree also though that my parents have had an influence on my views. My dad is forever a democrat but my mom changes her party association almost every election. This has given me the view that I should always weigh my options before making a decision on who to vote for.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it interesting how most of our viewpoints on the world are influenced by the location we grew up in? Parents are a very strong influence as well; I would like to think my political views are my own, but I know I have been hugely influenced by what I have been taught by my parents over the years.