In Susan Bordo’s writing she talks a lot about how an image or images that society creates, makes us think that is how we should look or act in order to fit into society. One of her main thesis statements is saying that society is putting images in our heads creating standards of what men and women should look like. These influenced images are coming from magazines, television, advertisements, etc. and people begin to believe they need to look like that skinny hot model on the cover of a magazine or that buff sexy man who is a model, just in order to fit into society today. This is also reflecting on the way we act, many people discipline their bodies to achieve societies so called “perfect body,” even if it means going to extreme levels by practicing anorexia and bulimia just to gain a feeling of acceptance.
In this painting “Adam and Eve Uffizi” by Baldung, it has signifiers of sex appeal, just like in today’s society one of the top ways to sell and advertise. In this painting it exposes the bodies of both Adam and Eve, trying to balance their bodies to look powerful by their posture and what was probably portrayed as the “look” in those days. People from this day probably looked at this painting, like we would today, and believe that is how we are suppose to look according to society. This painting was creating both male and female standards like the media does in today’s society by showing how they are both very attractive with beautiful perfect hair and being physically fit.
I did my blog on the same painting, and we had very similar views on how it related to Bordo's claims. Good job, Jessica!