Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tiger Woods

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This subject of our culture would probably not be as interesting had some certain events not happened in the past year. This advertisement for nike has an interesting relationship between the sign, signifier and signified. It is pretty obvious that the signifier is Tiger Woods. The signified, is one of the best golfers of all time, or a scumbag. He has been dominant over the rest of the PGA for all that I can remember, and at the pace he was going at, was on track to be remembered as the best of all time. However, I think that most people will look at this now and think of a dirty scumbag who cheated on his wife with many different women. Since he has had over a dozen alleged affairs one would say that this is a fair assumption to make on this very controversial subject of our culture.

I personally, would like to join the convention that sees Tiger as a great golfer and a great competitor. I mean, his accomplishments speak for themselves. He has won 14 major championships and he is only 34 years old, which is relatively young in professional golf. However a part of me will always think of him of a man who had it all going for him, more money than he could ever spend, a family, an awesome career in golf and so on, that lost (some of) it, because he's a lying, cheating scumbag.

1 comment:

  1. I think that most people do only see Tiger Woods as someone who cheated on his wife. I find it amazing how this whole fiasco with Tiger Woods cheating on his wife could completely change the publics view of him, and how people can easily dismiss all of his great accomplishments. I agree with you, I think we need to keeps peoples personal lives out of their accomplishments. Honestly everyone has some skeleton in their closet; it’s just harder for celebrities because they are always in the spot light. I also think people forget that celebrities are human beings, and that we all make mistakes. I’m not saying what Tiger Woods did was right, but I honestly don’t care about what goes on in his personal life.
