Monday, September 27, 2010

Perfection in the Body of Eve

In Susan Bordo's article she claims that women strive to look a certain way to fit in with our culture and society. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia generally occur the most in white middle- to upper-class women. These women are striving to look their best for their significant others, friends and families. They want to be seen as powerful and strong. Men generally look at woman with thin bodies over women with healthier curves. This is due to our culture; so often we see the thin, beautiful women plastered on the billboards, ads, and TV screens with gorgeous men trailing after them. This leads young girls and teenagers to believe that the only way to score some nice arm candy is by cutting off any kind of candy at all and conforming her appetite to fit into the norm of society. 
As stated earlier, eating disorders are most common in the white middle- to upper-class women, coincidentally Christianity is also very common to this type of women. This picture shows Adam and Eve, the first people created by God. I think that fact alone makes this picture even more powerful. THIS picture is how women and men are supposed to look, because THESE are the first ever humans created by God. If a woman is striving for perfection in the eyes of men, this picture might even suggest what it takes to look perfect in the eyes of God.

1 comment:

  1. Do we really know what men and women are "supposed" to look like though? This painting is from the imagination of an artist.
    Just thought I'd hint at that.
    Overall good job though!
