Sunday, October 31, 2010

The connection of Pandora: Secret human longing?

I decided to choose the moment when they talk about how the forest on Pandora acts like a neural network connecting everything. I feel like this moment was meant to make us care even more for the people of Pandora even more. Humans tend to have natural affection and sympathy for nature and the fragility of it. The concept of Home Tree was also one most people can relate to as we all have some type of base in our life that keeps us grounded and alive for the most part. For me personally, this made me really mad at the bad guys when I found out they were going to try to destroy a beautiful connected forest. The connection of the forest signifies that humans long for an international connection between all people, but they wouldn’t dare speak it aloud, because they don’t want to seem primitive or foolish. This may create a reaction in a person craving more of a connection with the spirit of earth. Or questioning if there is in face a spirit of the earth. All though some may not agree, it seems there is some type of longing in every human to discover some type of spiritual power whether higher or not. Another thing is that all the people living on Pandora have the same spiritual beliefs. This also demonstrates human’s longing for peace and understanding. Imagine how calm the world would be if there were never any disputes over religion, or spiritual beliefs. But the question remains, would it be better for the entire population to all have the same spiritual beliefs, or for no one to have any spiritual beliefs? Humans are also very disconnected from each other. We all live in our separate houses, we do our daily routines alone. Here at college I notice the disconnection more than I did in high school. Of course making an effort to talk to someone new everywhere you go is tiring for most people, but still it is strange because when you walk into the union, for instance, people are all sitting in these chairs next to each other, but not a single one is interacting with those around them.

I really believe the message that is trying to be conveyed is the burning desire in human beings to create a society that is connected throughout all aspects and to become more connected with one another. To implement the idea that we are all much more similar than different and we are all like brothers and sisters.

1 comment:

  1. Overall I really liked your post.
    I agree with a lot of the ways you compared the people of Pandora with the us (humans). I thought it was very interesting how you compared the Home Tree with a base in peoples lives. I thought that it made a lot of sense, and I liked the metaphor.
    I also thought it was interesting how you said that people always have a need or a longing to acquire some sort of spiritual power. I think that this is very true, I cannot think of one person who I know who does not believe in some sort of god or spirit.
    Your last statement really sums up everything you are saying in your post well, and I agree with the message you came up with!
    Good job :)
