Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Rally?

I had no idea that the President of the United States was attending the U of M (my school) this weekend. I missed class on Thursday and I never saw any e-mails or posters or heard anything about it in prior weeks. After skimming through other peoples blog posts I can’t say much about this so called “rally” that was held by Obama. I am not sure that this will totally meet the requirements of what we need to cover in this blog post but I want to talk about it anyways- the fact that I had NO IDEA that our President and probably one of the most famous people in our country was coming to my school.

Alright, now I am only on campus three days a week but still. I feel like I should have known about this. It should have been an important event that was promoted extensively. I don’t have that many close friends who go to the U of M and I don’t watch Kare 11 every night, I pick up the news paper for its crossword puzzles and etc. Even though I just find it bizarre I did not hear one comment about it from anyone within the past month.

Having the president come to a University is a big deal, it is an even that takes a lot of planning and many things need to be done in plenty of advance. Obama can’t just get on a plane with out extensive security all around him. Sadly it isn’t that simple. So the big question is why didn’t I know? I am positive I am not alone either. I mean come on, I graduated high school I am not as dumb as a box of rocks or that oblivious to my surroundings.

I don’t know a thing about politics, it really is all just confusing to me but as a citizen of the United States I feel like I should know a little bit more about our president. I mean I always hear people either saying how god awful he is or what a great job he has been doing but I honestly have no idea what Obama has or has not done since he has been in office. I feel that I should know too, even if I do not make the biggest effort to listen to the news. I should know what is going on in my country and more importantly why it is going on.

I just feel like our government or our country or somebody should make a bigger effort to get everyone involved and everyone informed. I should know that my President is coming to my school, and yet I had no idea.

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