Monday, October 25, 2010

Obama at the U of M

As president Obama arrived in Minnesota, History was being made in progress. Many people idolize him, being the first black president; they rushed to the opportunity to hear him speak. This event occurred Saturday, October 23, 2010, that many people will never forget, it was a historical day. I read a news article on KSTP channel 5 news, stating there was a line almost a mile long to see our President.

Even before this day came, you would hear several people talking about his upcoming visit. This was something many people looked forward to. The reason for his visit was mainly to campaign for Mark Dayton. But really this was more centered on Obama, while Mark Dayton was put in the shadows. I never once heard, anything about “Mark Dayton’s Visit” during the talk of the historical visit of Obama coming to the University of Minnesota. It wasn’t until after the rally I found out that Obama was there to campaign and boost Dayton for senator.

Although some people thought of this as such a great thing, I had no intentions of attending. Not everyone who attend were there to support Obama, many others were there to protest against the cause. I read in the MN daily that hours before the rally protestors lined up along the opposite side of people entering the field house. The protestors held signs and chanted, they were not there to be rude just state their opinion.


  1. I agree with you, yes Obama did come to the U, but it wasn't to give the students a motivational speech or anything that will benefit us.. it was a rally to get votes for the democratic candidate for our governor. I think that its great that history was made at the U this weekend, but if Dayton doesn't win this election the whole rally may seem really insignificant 10, 15, 20 years from now. Yes, we will remember that Obama came to the U but will many of us even remember why?

    Caitlyn Beck

  2. If you were to read my post you would know that I had no idea that there was any sort of rally where Obama was coming to the U. Once I did find out by reading the blog post assignment yesterday I really did not know why the president was going to be coming to our school, I guess i just figured it would be to make some sort of big speech about education or something. I would have never guessed it would be to support Mark Dayton. I think that kind of goes to show how we as a society mark the importance of people in the spotlight or in the political world. Obama is such a big deal to us, to our country. He is the president and is known by pretty much every citizen in the United States. Where as Mark Dayton is known really only by Minnesotans and people who are more involved in politics.

  3. I agree with you, Jessica.I had no intention of going either. I was out of town anyways...but it wasn't until recently that i heard he was coming. Sooo many people showed up to show their support and see the president. I do think that most of the people came JUST to see the President, whether they like him or not, but i would say the majority there were democrats. The media represented this event very strongly and they represented Obama basically like a hero or something like that...he's no hero in my book and I'm glad to see that there were conservative, republican, etc. protestors there, but how much did the media represent them? Probably not that much at all since the media is very liberal. Anyways, great job Jessica!!!

  4. I also did not read anything about Mark Dayton in anything that I read about the visit. Its funny to me that the whole rally was actually for Dayton and he got no publicity, it was all about what Obama had to say. He totally overshadowed Dayton.

  5. I totally agree aaron, and I believe he wasnt there to support Dayton's ideas or future plans. He was just simply there to support "the democrats" and I honestly don't think Dayton is a good canidate look how he has done in previous years, you never hear much about him.
