Saturday, October 30, 2010

Let the clapping begin

During the President Obama's visit to the University of Minnesota there were thousands of things going on before he came, while he was at the campus and after he was gone. Out of those thousands of things only a few remained to try and represent what really went on. Of course, when you take away 99% of everything that went on and try to show it with only 1% remaining - it is impossible to do. I am going to try and tell what Obama's visit represented from what remains as our history. I did not attend the actual event and was only able to view the video and read about the visit in the news.

One of the main things that stuck out to me was clapping, clapping, clapping. A lot of the photos I've looked at had the audience in the background clapping, and the democratic party smiling. The videos had many, many scenes where speech stopped in order for clapping/applause to be heard. Although history was represented through many things on that day, I would just like to take my focus on applause used in video of Obama giving his speech.

  1. Applause shows signs of approval. Those who are clapping are speaking through the gestures as to show a sign of favoritism towards the person who is being clapped at. It also brings emotions like joy and fullness.
  2. Applause covers up those who are not approving/minors. For example, if even when not everyone was clapping, those who were and the sound in the video made it seem like everyone was clapping.
  3. Applause softens the environment and makes it more peaceful and cheerful.

By using applause, history of that day was represented as something very significant and positive. The only breaks during the speech were breaks made for the audience to applause. Mark Dayton applause himself many times as well. The sounds we heard through the media were a positive speech, and a lot of support from the audience by their applause. We did not hear protesters, we did not hear other events going on, and we did not hear negative comments in the main video. The history represented that day was that everyone who was present at the event was in favor of the Democratic party because they were part of the media which showed applause and approval.

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