I hope no one needed to use Walter library or any of the other buildings in the Mall this Saturday. If I have Hegelian theory correct, which maybe I don't, I would say that Obama's visit to the University of Minnesota was interesting and historical, but not something so important that it will forever change World History. This would have been a Hegelian wet dream if something catastrophic happened.
From our Student/Prof. perspective his visit was historical and exciting, but from the perspective of other states I am sure his visit was an afterthought or less important than a national televised address or state of the union. It was special to us and to many political savy people, but to the world.. maybe not? There will always be the Strikes in Europe or the Miners in Chile that cast shadows over the Speeches of the U.S. Actions speak louder than words and such. Regardless, I am proud that the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES came to visit our school. It really is quite the honor.
I looked up patriotism in a google image search and found this image. It is not relevant to my article. ... Just ... interesting?

And of course nothing brings our country together like the beautiful patriotic symbol that is the confederate flag. Happy Halloween.
I should have said that President Obama's visit was historical to Minnesotans and Students.
ReplyDeleteI like the way you wrote your blog post. You gave your quick short perspective and the picture, although irrelevant, still caught my eye. It was easy to read and easy for me to respond to! Good job! It made me think. Way to link it to the Hegelian theory that we talked about in class, too.
I agree with what you have said. His visit was important to Minnesotans and students, but may not have been quite as important to the rest of the world. He has stopped many places on his campaign sweep and we are just another stop in this list. It's not like he stopped at the University of Minnesota because of our school. He stopped here because this is where Mark Dayton's rally was located. We hosted it all, but it doesn't seem like it had much to do with our school. You know?
For some people at our school, Obama's visit may have been only an inconvenience. You pointed out at the beginning that getting to Walter library on Saturday would have been a huge hassle for anyone who needed to go there. Is this necessary? Don't we have the Target Center or the Metrodome for these types of things?
Thank you!
Ashley Carmichael
It is true that Obama's visit will not go down in the books as being a great and significant time in America's history. It's value was simply to rally another political candidate, and for the most part the only thing we can take from the visit, is that it is an honor for our school to host such a symbolic person on our campus. But although, his speech wasn't of great importance I guess that in our time right now, we can be glad that our president's time can be used to visit public universities instead of having to deal with bomb threats, and the war on terror. That many for a little while, we can just focus on rallying a candidate instead of worrying about all the other million problems we are facing in the world right now.. his visit brought a little sense of peace which in itself is history because just for a moment, our country and our state of minnesota had no other problems to think about other than which governor to elect