Saturday, December 18, 2010

Astrological Sign Capstone Project

The realist in me wants to absolutely disregard astrological readings and simply believe that life is up to chance. However I should not completely disregard ‘star gazing’ because for some people it acts as a sign of good hope, of faith, and for me being a Christian I have a duty to hold faith. It is hard for me sometimes to truly weigh the importance in faith in my life with how I am supposed to live it. I believe I have faith in something, in God, but I’m not sure and if you showed me someone who was absolutely concrete and sure about life I would think they were lying or just ignorant. That’s just how I feel. Faith to me, I wouldn’t say blindly but something close to it, is looking into something that I have no control over and hoping the best turns out. I believe in destiny and fate because I do believe there is a plan for me.

I don’t want to hop on board the astrological bandwagon however because my faith to me isn’t determined by the stars. It is hard for me to believe in horoscopes because I have no idea who writes them and who gives the people who writes them the means to do it. I know to some it is a science but the current writers of horoscopes now must be simply following the patterns of the predecessors and the predecessors before that until it comes down to one person who thought about this kind of reading. It just doesn’t make total sense to me, but then again neither does my faith.

I also feel like astrological readings are at time creepily correct, but there are so many readings out there that just because a small number have come true doesn’t mean they are all through a science. Us as a people tend to jump on things we know, and forget the things we don’t. Take Nostradamus. A philosopher who predicted such things as Hitler’s rise over Germany, the World Trade Center Collapse, and our soon to be 2012 apocalypse (however never in specifics only through interpretation.) Although ‘spooky’ Nostradamus made hundreds of astrological sign readings that haven’t come true yet. Time may tell if he was right, but for now it just seems like a popular culture thing.

But I am no basher to faith, and if this is people’s faith then so be it. I am a man to faith and I know there are critics to what I believe in, but apart of faith is just believing no matter what people say and to live strongly in faith.

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