Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cyber Bullying

I saw the title of your project and it caught my eye. I felt the need to comment on it because this is an issue that I feel almost everyone is a victim of. It's amazing how cruel people can become when there are no consequences to their actions. I think the main reason that online bullying is so prominent, that it is a way for people to take out their anger and irritation they feel in the world around them. It's scary to think of what people are capable of when there are no consequences to their actions. I started playing online games when I was a kid, and I got bullied all the time by other players. People can be so mean and say very cruel and degrading things, that even though it's just online, it's not, it does hurt your feelings, even though there is not any actual contact with the other person. There's an old saying that goes "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me" this is not necessarily true. I believe words are one of cultures most powerful tools.

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