I really enjoyed looking at your project about religion in our world. I'm a Catholic and it was nice to read about the Christianity section. What would have been great was if you had gone into some of the faiths within Christianity, such as Lutheran, Baptist, and Catholic. You could have shown how they are alike and different, and maybe why that is. One aspect that stood out for me was the section that said "Their lives here depends on their afterlife; whether they may go to Heaven or Hell." This is true with all Christians, but Catholics also believe in Purgatory, which is a state of cleansing before you reach Heaven...basically, if you still have the stain of sin on you, you can't enter Heaven, so you need to go to Purgatory first and be spiritually cleansed and made ready for Heaven. But in the end, it's either Heaven or Hell. But seeing more of a compare/contrast in the Christianity section would've deepened your project i feel.

(Bishop George Niederauer, right, presents LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley with Catholic Community Services' Distinguished Humanitarian Award on Oct. 5, 2004).
The aspect of religion in our society definitely plays a role in how we view one another. Just as I was writing this blog at my Granpa's house, two men knocked on the door. They were missionaries from the Mormon church. My grandpa is Catholic too, but he enjoys talking to them, so he asked them to come in and he wanted them to meet me. I talked to these two guys (Elder Brooks and Elder Gardner...Elder means "missionary") and i was a little hesitent to talk to them, but that's what culture has done to me...every time i see mormons out on their bikes and white shirts (stereotypical) i tend to avoid them and not talk to them. But these men were very nice and they respected my Faith and i did theirs. We talked a little a bit and I could see that we shared common ground (i.e. Jesus, missionaries, family oriented, etc). What was really nice was that I gained more respect for them. I'm sure it's difficult to leave home, to not watch tv or anything until your 24 months are up...that's what these young men do. They also travel all over and get doors slammed in their faces, so I can only imagine the hardship that makes on their daily lives to know that people don't care about them or their faith. I respect them, but I would never convert becuase I'm firmly rooted in my Catholic faith.

They are met with a lot of opposition, and I'm not saying that their beliefs are right or not, but people still need to treat them with respect. Check out this
vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onlo8bLSTVE).
Overall, your project was very well done. You got the aspects of some of the major religions down to a 'T' and you explain their beliefs fully. Religion plays a HUGE role in culture and my own life, so this project definitely stood out to me and I hope my suggestions and clarifications helped you out!!
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