"Bridal Plasty"! Not only did this powerpoint catch my attention because of its name (which I recognized) and the fact that my roommates and I had watched this show the other night (horrified to what we saw), but the fact of these two words put together ring so terribly, and I love that there wasa capstone project done about this in order to analyze this media shock. Although in my opinion a few years from now this "shock" may not be so shocking, based on the fact that the representation of women especially now that this show has come out, and there WILL be more like it, is that all of these ideals and perfection based bodies, faces, and anything else are REAL and ATTAINABLE with a little money and work done. It is that much easier to THINK you can feel good and happy about yourself by fitting a standard which our culture has created to be wonderful.
Reality is F**ked up! Since when did it become normal for Women to complete a puzzle on a reality TV show and then grab a syringe and go to an "injection party"?. The thing that we as viewers, and media consumers need to keep in mind is the shows that reach the air and are getting decent ratings are because it is what we want too see and actually enjoy watching. As much as people say this is repulsive and creepy, the TV stays on the same channel. When Survivor came out people couldn't believe there eyes and what they were doing, eating etc. However, how long did that show last? Many seasons with variations and variations! And then after survivor came other shows that were based off of it. This leads me to think that since Bridal Plasty is one of the first in its ways of new reality, this definitely won't be the last of its kind.

"Entertainment Network", celebrities, good looks, skinny girls this the appeal that everyone wants to see and be. The docil body plays so much into this 'site' and its reflection because its about becoming like someone that society has made to be ideal. It is literally girls competing in order to change into that IDEAL. As much as they want to make this show about getting married and all of the things that go into on that side,(one part of the show when I watched it had to do with vows and rings), the
overarching point is that girls want to be a version of perfect that society has influenced and made up in a sick light. The idea of CHANGE, is that these women are not okay the way they are whether they are actually big girls or small have sy
mmetrical faces or not, because of the reinforcement that is all around. ...So now that this show is actually on television and not just an idea that the minority of the population has, although some people may look at it as stupid and grotesque, a lot of people may and eventually will be forced or swayed into thinking that actually all of this non-sense, makes sense. It could become a norm, or worse a reality for all.
My favorite part about this capstone project was the reality versus fantasy appeal. I think one interesting thing to notice along with this, is the fact that if everyone gives in to becoming this plastic, fake, made up woman, what is the next thing that everyone is going to need to do or become in order to feel satisfied? If you know anything about culture or how society works, the norm is always changing, just like fact, and as years go on what is considered rational and okay will be drastically different from a few decades before that. I can only imagine what my grandma would think if she saw this show. Good thing she doesn't get E!. However my point is that if we allow this to truly take away from individuality, there will be something else that becomes the "outsiders" standard. Just as Tanning in a tanning booth has become acceptable, tolerated and a casual normal thing that girl take part in, PALE will soon enough become the new TAN as all girls begin to look leathery, nasty, orange and die of skin cancer.. JUSt sayin. The point is, this is just ONE idea that we could easily be sucked into and let transform our ideals and culture because a few people think its okay, and soon to be many more than that.

My final point is that if we look at the ideal of perfection it is only because someone (media) has decided and influenced that skinny, big boobs, nice curves (but still skinny) at the same time with long legs (did I say Skinny) and this and that and this is what a woman SHOULD look like. It is literally ONE opinion that so many let influence them. If we haven't realized by now that each human is so unique in themselves that there are 700 billion different versions of perfect, we are stupid for letting media and others who can't think for themselves throw away money, time and life by accepting something that is FAKE, PLASTIC and the OPPOSITe of BEAUTIFUL. And it's funny when people like Heidi (from the Hills) get all this work done in order to fulfill societies obsessed standards that she herself became obsessed with due to the fact that thats what we have been told looks good, and then we hate on her for being so fake and looking TOO much like barbie. None of this stuff or worrying about it will ever be satisfying.. so although it is something we are influenced by lets screw it and realize there are other things we can do with our time and money, like being happy, eating, and worrying about life maybe family, friends work?? and living it fully....things of that nature.
However there will always be something that seems messed up at the time, and eventually it becomes so pressured and powerful it no longer stands out as crazy and obscene. Lets hope that this is not one of those things!
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