This is a simple explanation of the common truth and perceptions of any ones world. What we know, what we choose to believe, what we understand is how we look at signs, words, anything and view it. And then comes in the importance of rhetoric which Brown makes clear is important is simply knowing what you believe and choose to understand and speaking, writing reading it persuasively and effectively depending upon what the final goal and ending result should/is/would/could be. A great example of this truth is the classic example of facts which are always changing but we look at them as though depending on what we strive for or think or want to believe is important as the ever so holy reality. THE EARTH IS FLAT, at one point was the truth, at one point was FACT, this in whole proves most peoples understanding of what we thought and what evidence pointed to and scholars stated was reality. Was it because smart people said it? Was it because the people who had traveled had experience to come back and report? Was it because the things that culture told us, the signs and the way we understand things, this was just a simple fact and the way we understood one truth of the world. The influence and power the rhetoric and versions of all fact and truth have is more then most understand. It is not until you begin to question everything why, how etc, that you can grasp even a tiny hold on truth, details and culture. Everything has more than one side for the most part, and in many cases there are plenty of different ways to look at anything, tolerance, acceptance and the ability to understand or learn about more then one opinion/perception is whenit becomes important.
I clicked on the first few article I saw and "Did Psychics Kill God", by Stephen Hawking really caught my attention. For one reason psychics are just and interesting topic. Second God, I am a christian, I believe in God, he is still alive in my opinion, and so there in itself was simply another motive. Finally the first sentence of the article read as follows,
"Stephen Hawking declared that our understanding of physics proves God did not create the universe. Is he right?"
-Understanding, something that I have been talking about this whole blog! Perception, reasoning, truth fact. This is obviously the point of the issue, but the fact that the first sentence read aloud understanding felt important
- OUR??? Our? who is our? Which believers of psychics are we talking about? People who are Christian, Muslim,Atheist? Non Religious? People from America? Our is a huge generalization, and right away it struck me as something I needed to read into to understand the point of whose understanding it was talking about.

- Proves, again something as I mentioned earlier. Who really can prove anything? Facts are things that have been proven for the moment, until they are proven differently tomorrow, a week from now, 10 years from now. Proof is also the way we look at, interpret, and UNDERSTAND, evidence. This means for one persons TRuth, it could mean something entirely different.
Before even beginning to read the article I took the concepts I learned from Robin and Carls truth, reality and rhetoric and applied it to a sentence which caught me attention and helped me to understand the things I wanted to learn and take away from this article.
"Did Psychics Kill God?", ended up being a controversial article based on one mans opinion or many peoples opinions and interpretations. This has the truth of scientists beliefs which are influenced by the same realities and views.
The word "nothing" when it was referred from the sentence, which stated the universe can and will create itself from nothing which is why God doesn't exist from Stephen Hawking has a curious interpretation behind it. This is one point, which can represent how something is explained, given meaning, a definition and then created into the TRUTH. fact. Reasoning. What is nothing? It could be anything? Something? Air? Invisible? What is nothing were in FACT God. He could be that nothing?? If nothing is something then how could it be considered truly nothing? And so it goes on....
At the end of the day no matter what article I would have read, I would have chosen to see it through my own realities and truths. I believe in God, and therefore read it as complete bologna. My beliefs are strong enough at this point that me Facts, Prove to me there is a higher power, which exists. Understanding why we understand things and our reasoning behind it is the most important thing we can do.
ReplyDeleteWhooops. Was meaning to write physics the whole time. My mind obviously auto typed that. Dang, didn't really get my point across. Hmmmm